Sand Tray Therapy

Many therapists work therapeutically with children and adults using Sand Tray Therapy as a modality. 

In working with young children, I show them the sand trays and the shelves where the miniatures are placed.  I tell them they can create scenes or stories in the sans, selecting objects from the shelves.

Some children play their stories after they have finished creating a scene by moving objects about as they describe the action.

Noise is an intrusive part of most environments for children. For the Sand Tray Therapy experience an atmosphere is created of safety, protection and quiet as the therapist focuses on the child's work:  watching, listening, showing interest in what the client is doing by being quiet.

 With hesitant children I talk about Sand Tray Therapy as as a way to make pictures in the sand from their imaginations, from images in their mind;  it can be fun, it can make them feel better;  it can help the two of us understand some of their troubles and worries.
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